‘As family we go’
Our Vision
Reflecting the love of Jesus, we are called in this season to serve our community’s young families and youth in particular.
Our Values
The church belongs to God and he will build it. We listen for Jesus’ teaching and endeavour to do what he tells us.
Go Deeper
Devotion to God defines our lives
We are passionate to grow in loving God more and becoming more like Jesus
We are shaped by the Holy Spirit, through the Bible, in worship and prayer, and through one another
Get Real
We are family
We are members of one diverse family who seek to love one another well
We want to be authentic, servant-hearted and generous in our relationships
Give It Away
We want to share Jesus’ love
We are a family who extends a welcome to everyone
We will actively go out to love and serve those around us
We seek to promote justice and share Christ’s love particularly with the marginalised